Our Programs

We provide life sustaining shelters The Indy Neighborhood Cats winter shelter pickup has now concluded. Over 2000 warm winter shelters have been picked up this year. We will have limited winter shelters available for pickup at FIDO starting the 3rd Sunday of January. FIDO Open Warehouse Hours are 12p-3pm each Sunday. The address is 1505 N Sherman Drive 46201. You can also purchase straw for $2 a bag. Indy Neighborhood Cats will open pop up shelter pickup during mass weather events if they occur this year.
Cat Food Pantry Support

We partner with Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside (FIDO). Nutrition is vital to keeping cats healthy. We understand that feeding large groups of cats can provide challenges. FIDO runs the largest pet food pantry in Indianapolis. Indy Neighborhood Cats helps fundraise for cat food and we are on site twice a week to assist with pantry operations. This removes duplication of effort and it keeps us face to face with community cat caretakers with the greatest need.
Click the link below to find out how to register with the FIDO Pantry.
Trap Neuter Return (T-N-R) PROGRAM
Our Gratitude
We are thankful to the following people and organizations that make the work we do possible.
indyhumane on Facebook
indyhumane on the Web
Thank you to IndyHumane for the partnership. Their team have shown tremendous leadership and guidance. In addition: Thousands of community cats in Indianapolis would go hungry without the generous food donations IndyHumane provide to the FIDO pet food pantry. IndyHumane rescue relief also helps provide food to caretakers at lower costs and helps subsidize Indy Neighborhood Cats mobile pantry program.
We are also very thankful for the Michigan Road campus feline team who provide dental and medical care to community cats at low costs.
Aquatic Arts
Aquatic Arts on Facebook
Aquatic Arts Website
For their generous up-cycling of Styrofoam coolers for our winter shelter builds.
For their mentorship and partnership
FIDO on Facebook
FIDO on the Web
FIDO are leaders in field services for animals in Indianapolis. As FIDO and INC are often in the same neighborhoods, FIDO has stepped up to offer their mentorship and partnership to Indy Neighborhood Cats. They provide INC with access to shared warehouse space, vehicles and space for traps and other supplies. We look forward to a long lasting partnership as we grow our field operations and TNR programs.
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on the Web
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on Facebook
Pet Friendly Services of Indiana has provided generous financial support to Indy Neighborhood Cats in the form of vital spay/neuter funding for our TNR program. Without their generosity and support, there would be hundreds more reproducing cats outside in our neighborhoods.
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on the Web
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on Facebook
Pet Friendly Services of Indiana has provided generous financial support to Indy Neighborhood Cats in the form of vital spay/neuter funding for our TNR program. Without their generosity and support, there would be hundreds more reproducing cats outside in our neighborhoods.
indyhumane on Facebook
indyhumane on the Web
Thank you to IndyHumane for the partnership. Their team have shown tremendous leadership and guidance. In addition: Thousands of community cats in Indianapolis would go hungry without the generous food donations IndyHumane provide to the FIDO pet food pantry. IndyHumane rescue relief also helps provide food to caretakers at lower costs and helps subsidize Indy Neighborhood Cats mobile pantry program.
We are also very thankful for the Michigan Road campus feline team who provide dental and medical care to community cats at low costs.
Aquatic Arts
Aquatic Arts on Facebook
Aquatic Arts Website
For their generous up-cycling of Styrofoam coolers for our winter shelter builds.
For their mentorship and partnership
FIDO on Facebook
FIDO on the Web
FIDO are leaders in field services for animals in Indianapolis. As FIDO and INC are often in the same neighborhoods, FIDO has stepped up to offer their mentorship and partnership to Indy Neighborhood Cats. They provide INC with access to shared warehouse space, vehicles and space for traps and other supplies. We look forward to a long lasting partnership as we grow our field operations and TNR programs.
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on the Web
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on Facebook
Pet Friendly Services of Indiana has provided generous financial support to Indy Neighborhood Cats in the form of vital spay/neuter funding for our TNR program. Without their generosity and support, there would be hundreds more reproducing cats outside in our neighborhoods.
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on the Web
Pet Friendly Services Indiana on Facebook
Pet Friendly Services of Indiana has provided generous financial support to Indy Neighborhood Cats in the form of vital spay/neuter funding for our TNR program. Without their generosity and support, there would be hundreds more reproducing cats outside in our neighborhoods.
indyhumane on Facebook
indyhumane on the Web
Thank you to IndyHumane for the partnership. Their team have shown tremendous leadership and guidance. In addition: Thousands of community cats in Indianapolis would go hungry without the generous food donations IndyHumane provide to the FIDO pet food pantry. IndyHumane rescue relief also helps provide food to caretakers at lower costs and helps subsidize Indy Neighborhood Cats mobile pantry program.
We are also very thankful for the Michigan Road campus feline team who provide dental and medical care to community cats at low costs.